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The Exerza Subscription

Monthly Plan


Per month

Billed monthly

Sign up to get 50% off your first month. Cancel anytime.

Yearly Plan


Per month

Billed yearly

Sign up for the annual plan for 15% off all year. Billed yearly.

The exerza Subscription

💥Training Plans: Tailored fitness programs designed to help you reach your specific health and fitness goals. Updated Monthly.

💥Workout Tracking: Easily track and log workouts, including exercises, sets, reps, and weights, to monitor progress over time.

💥Exercise Videos: Access to a library of exercise demonstration videos for proper form and technique.

💥Custom Meal Plans: Personalized meal plans created based on your dietary preferences, goals, and restrictions.

💥Nutrition Tracking: Track daily food intake and monitor nutritional goals to support healthy eating habits.

💥Goal Setting: Set SMART goals to provide focus and direction for achieving desired fitness outcomes.

💥Progress Monitoring: Track body measurements, weight, and other fitness metrics to visualize progress and stay motivated.

💥Community Support: Connect with like-minded individuals, join groups, and participate in challenges for added motivation and accountability.

💥Real-Time Messaging: Direct messaging feature for users to communicate with trainers and peers for support and guidance.

💥Integration with Wearable Devices: Sync with wearable fitness trackers and devices to seamlessly track workouts, steps, and other health metrics.

💥Push Notifications: Receive reminders for scheduled workouts, meal times, and other activities to stay on track with fitness goals.

💥Adaptive Programming: Adjust training plans based on user feedback, progress, and changes in goals or preferences.

💥Educational Resources: Access to articles, tips, and resources on exercise, nutrition, and wellness to support ongoing learning and development.

Exerza Subscipton Details
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